Room service, hotel stores, spa and massage packages and restaurants are the leisure services hotels provide for their guests. These services aim to please both guests and hotel management. Guests are happy as they can find many things inside the hotel without going outside and hotel management is happy as the services bring revenue to the hotel. Hotels with good leisure services are always highly sought-after.
Interactive TV systems increase the hotel revenue made by the leisure services by increasing the service advertisements and enabling making reservations via the TVs inside the rooms. Let’s see how the system works in favor of each leisure service.
Room Service
Interactive TV system has the room service feature, which allows guests to scroll through the menu, order the ones they like and automatically adds the room service bill to the total invoice of the said room. The easiest room service order you’ve ever seen! It is proved that people order more when they are ordering online rather than on the phone because they are able to see menus and new items and have more time to look through food options. Unlike old paper room service menus, online room service makes it possible to
- Update the prices as often as you’d like
- Add/remove food items and promote new items
- Make suggestions for particular food items
- Upload high-quality photos
- Have special prices for special days/dish
- Give detailed information about the ingredients
Hotel Store
With the shopping module, guests can make their hotel store purchases easily and have the purchased items delivered to their rooms within the day. It is especially good for crowded stores as guests prefer to skip the overcrowded hotel stores. It also enables guests, just like in the room service feature, to see and browse all the products with their photos and adding the bill to the room invoice automatically.
Spa and Massage Center
Spa and massage reservations are easier with interactive TV systems. People can see the different kinds and prices of massage packages and spa treatments, view special offers of the day and make, confirm or cancel reservations on their TV.
Guests can view restaurant menu items, prices, specialties and detailed information through an interactive TV system and make reservations. This feature increases the customer numbers in restaurants and minimizes the decision-making period before ordering at the restaurant.
Special Feature: Video-on-Demand (VOD)
VOD feature provides movie/tv program rentals in interactive TV systems. With the right pricing, guests prefer watching movies instead of broadcast TV channels in the evenings and these rental fees adds up to the hotel’s revenue. The VOD content is updated regularly as people demand up-to-date movies and programs more.